TF Italia 2017

The Tool Fair Italia 2017 took pace on 3-6th October in Palermo, Italy. It was the first time for me to hear of such an event for youth workers, and I was told that it was a closed event.

The fair was in Italian, so it was hard for me to understand everything. But despite that, I got to see many great tools other youth workers are using and many tips and tricks how to make the workshops more engaging, interesting and interactive.


Furthermore I was excited to be selected to show the SumoRobot tool, although I saw that only few participants were familiar with using ICT tools for youth work. It was one of my main motivations to go to this tool fair to see how interested the Italian youth workers are to incorporate ICT tools in their youth work. I was positively surprised that everyone liked the Sumorobot tool and found it to be a very engaging way to enable children to learn different ICT skills.

At the end of the day it was an amazing event and experience for me and I hope to keep in touch with the new contacts I made.

Silver Kuusik