EVS Rita: the 6 months collection

Mentre guardo lo scarso numero di foto che ho degli ultimi 6 mesi – e ispirata dai miei amici SVE in Italia – mi rendo conto che la valutazione intermedia del mio SVE dovrebbe essere fatta attraverso un album. Ogni foto scelta vuol catturare un momento specifico del mio percorso.

As I look at the small number of photos I have from the last 6 months – and inspired by my EVS friends in Italy – I realized that my EVS mid-term evaluation should be done through an album. Each photo aims to capture a specific moment of my path.

1 – Above the Alps – The arrival.

2 – The first Invenduto (now Pane in Comune) – Saturday is still the day I am looking forward during the week (and it is not a free day!). 3 enjoyable hours – even when I have to touch fichi d’india aka bastardoni or when I shed a cart full of pomodori.

3 – The kids – After more than 3 months without doposcuola I am missing the kids. Hopefully this time my Italian will be good enough to explain il Modernismo.

4 – Friends – From all around the world. New friends, old friends. Friends that I see everyday and others that I always hope to see soon.

5 – Exchanges – 20 days of exchanges. This was July for me. Exhausting but probably the best month so far. I don’t even think that 25 photos could portrait how challenging and nice it was.

6 – Learning – I spend a lot of time working in Eufemia’s office aka my house. I enjoy it but it also drives me crazy sometimes. My month of September was spent inside this 4 walls working on my personal project and other very interesting ideas. And I write…. A lot!

7 – Travelling – In 6 months I’ve been in 5 countries and I visited beautiful places. I was also lucky enough to have one of my best friends travelling in Italy with me! I also visited Italian friends that I’ve met in Portugal and that showed me their cities. And I finally went to Paris after a very spontaneous and snap decision (merci Pasquale, Giulia, Giorgia, Ilaria, Nicholas and Sarah! <3)

8 – Family – I know I really suck and I hate skype, I don’t have whatsapp and I didn’t talk so much to my family as I should have, but their visit was one of the most memorable weeks so far #ihavetotranslateeverythingonthemenu #nomoreselfies.

9 – Turin – Even after visiting some of the most famous cities in Italy I still believe that Turin is one of the most interesting. There is always something happening and I love to wander around the center after midnight.

10 – Melting pot – 1. It is Friday night and you are in the bus talking in Italian with a Russian, a Bielorussian, a Korean, a Pakistani and a Chinese. 2. You are on a Youth Exchange and on the Italian team there is only 1 Italian. 3. I had to translate an Arabic lesson from Italian to English. And I am Portuguese. 4. Do I go on? (In the photo my Turkish friends are having Moroccan lunch with me in Turin, nice han?)

11 – Gelato – I have to be honest. I almost never eat pizza, pasta or other famous Italian delicacies. But I am always looking for vegan brioche and vegan gelato.

12 –Time management – I leave you a VIDEO from April. Time scares me and I think about it a lot. And the clock until the end of the EVS is ticking louder and louder…!